2010년 9월 9일 목요일

boiling a small village

boiling a small village. heaven odd green replaced the yellow soil over many years, a dead village reveals unprecedented angry with people cheering. the villagers strongly herve leger retention, the young people settled here, we elected him village chief.
few years later, a small village four Zhou Changcheng a dense wood. sandstorm attacks gradually smaller, the ground is also the year the harvest was in good up. the people from hunger previous hearing the news, they have to run back. small herve leger dress village to restore the old of trees to replant a new tree in time. In addition to the dead trees for the village with the village head, every individual can not arbitrarily cut down trees, and, every spring, the village head are required to plant a tree per household. Day after day, year after year, the village head slowly old, and can be an unwritten rule that has been carried on.
village the night before death, he summoned the whole village, the election out of a young new mayor. The herve leger bandage dress young man asked an old village, the woods every day to see them again and replant dead trees in a timely manner a new species, that provision also inherited.
old village died, a small village into a sorrow.
small village is still poor.

just go to work the next day

just go to work the next day, Lee gave Joseph WONG goes to the Deputy Secretary content with a share of
P90X roughly the same, Mr WONG material. Having read Joseph said in earnest: The material is also too late. authorities.
A few days later, Lee, deputy director of early retirement application for the grant down.
few days later Joseph's son to the Environmental Protection Agency to work.
watching their son delay in the p90x workout implementation of the work of Joseph is still in the presence of the Secretary, Deputy Secretary Li was wrong the more a child. He went to higher authorities breath to ask what happens there, leading two materials handed out to him, one ahead of Lee, the Deputy Secretary to Mr Joseph WONG retirement and recommend to the EPA for hiring his son, another is him agree with the Deputy Secretary for early retirement and his son hired to environmental protection Board approval.
> A long time ago, in distant places there is a remote village.
small village small village only a few dozen families, the villagers all day sunrise and sundown, with the original outline of simple tools life. subjected to dust storms because of the regular attack of crops is almost desertification, and seeing the ground to reduce the harvest from year to year, young, middle-aged who are p90x dvd set with his wife, four children to flee from famine, and only old people struggling to survive.
One year, the village came a young man, he brought many species, this species very strong vitality, even in the arid land is also very high survival rate. young people around the small village are planted the trees, soon after grow many trees, showing a small village shade.

for whom County Environmental Protection Agency Secretary WONG Deputy Secretary's son and Lee are from a university this year

for whom County Environmental Protection Agency Secretary WONG Deputy Secretary's son and Lee are from a university this year, graduated from the environmental protection.
now, are catching up with the county
christian louboutin owned enterprises restructuring, downsizing of many units, and EPA is unwieldy, no vacancies in the preparation of a Therefore, the work of the two children became the Deputy Secretary, Mr WONG and Lee shared a heart.
day Joseph sent for Li, Deputy Secretary, drawer and took out a document and handed Deputy Director Li. Li, deputy director what we can see, is him writing to higher authorities for early retirement, the paper generally said of Joseph the more recently due to illness does not feel the motherland has been unable christian louboutin shoes to re- Heat played the environmental cause, willing to please his superiors approved early retirement. Also Joseph son of Deputy Director Lee recommended just this year graduated from a university environment, all very good, is a rare talent, hope After his retirement in the approval of the leadership can hire the son of Lee, Deputy Secretary to the Environmental Protection Agency.
hands with this from the heart of the material, Mr WONG Li, deputy director of tears at this time christian louboutin sale has been the face of this bit over the years and their relationship has not been co-supervisor, he suddenly felt a sudden the world seems a lot wider. Mr Joseph WONG meant he knew the only way the work of two children, there is hope. For children, the king The Secretary and his subordinates 10 years can upset all at once resolved, with the father, what else can not do it themselves?

After I received the college admission notice On the night

After I received the college admission notice On the night, grandfather of our family are gathered together, I never dreamed that he was chosen to describe the collection of a lifetime herve leger of Mu Xiazi passed me. Grandpa asked me to study well and learn something in the future to serve the motherland , Having closed his eyes and quietly left us up.
I knelt in front of a grandfather, shaking hands with the Mu Xiazai stroke, and then put it gently pried open. If the parents Grandpa always the eyes of a respectable father, this time he really let everyone down, Mu Xiazi in addition to several rusting medals, there are not any treasure.
whole family was sad to cry, even though Grandpa did not leave anything for us, but I know that moment, all the tears are real, are the emission from the bottom of my heart, that herve leger dress not only the memory of the grandfather , but is also an unknown soldier sincere admiration.
next day, we quietly made a mourning grandpa, that Mu Xiazi also accompanied him buried. I know Grandpa will be happy in heaven, that is his life's glory ah.
I am not a traitor
Wang Ergou when a traitor, scout reported back that he was with the Japanese army base opened to.
This can be very anxious herve leger bandage dress guerrilla Team captain Lee, took part in the mine three days ago, Wang Ergou task, it seems mine is come to naught, while the guerrillas and the people are the main base, to withdraw or transfer was too late.

son's question Where work ah

son's question Where work ah? you and mom every night, when all the protection you oh my father. because of the time every night, has an uncle to protect my mother and I Oh. , in the end who is my father ah? However, that the locks had been rusting.
hear his father say, when the grandfather
P90X had been a young soldier, and later did business a few years. He came back back to the grandmother, and a Muxia Zi.
grandfather have young sons, fathers eldest. after birth younger brother, my grandmother on the illness died. father and uncle who was his grandfather's hand with a big, married grandfather after they are filial piety, because the grandfather
p90x workout had a Muxia Zi, we all know, who is the most filial grandfather, in the future that Mu Xiazi certainly passes. a child I do not know, grow up, they would understand.
I remember my father once said, in the twentieth century 60 the early years our country has suffered natural disasters, lack and want, at home, can be extremely difficult even in those circumstances, the grandfather of the Mu Xiazi are still not open, so I cast one more to it layer of mystery. after so many years, our whole family have a common point of view, Mu Xiazi which non-payment or silver.
I read in junior high school sophomore, the school give each of us made a call I read was a veteran of our neighboring memoirs, the paper is about the nationality of one of his fellow p90x dvd set comrades in the Korean War the number of continuous bombing of enemy tanks, was awarded the missing after that person, I do not know whether it is still alive. read here, I see Grandpa listened very emotional, his eyes shed tears two lines. Unfortunately, I was still small, there is no real sense to read from Grandpa tears, I was just simply that people are always nostalgic, Grandpa has entered the seventies, in his life, after all, a lot of nostalgia to his unforgettable things.